Method of Payment
- All major credit cards accepted.
-Credit cards may be used for payment of salon products and/or services only.
-Cash tips only
Redo Services
If you are dissatisfied with a service you have received, we are happy to provide you with the opportunity to return to the salon within two weeks of the original appointment for us to redo the service.
Redos are scheduled exactly like scheduled appointments and are provided at no charge. The redo will be scheduled with your original service provider unless they are unavailable or if you prefer another service provider.
Services provided by apprentices are not guaranteed. You must schedule the redo appointment with the apprentice who provided the original service.
Edgebrook Parlor does not guarantee and will not be held responsible for the longevity and fading of all vivid or pastel hair colors used in any color service. A redo will not be provided.

Cancellation Courtesy
As a courtesy to Edgebrook Parlor, our staff and waiting clients, we request a credit card to be put on file. A credit card number is required to reserve an appointment but will not be charged unless you no-show the appointment.
No-Show, the first time....since your service provider is unable to fill that spot we will charge you 50% of the services.
​No-Show, the second time....100% of the services will be due.
Gift Certificates
Edgebrook Parlor is not responsible for lost or stolen cards. They must be present at the time of the service.
All gift certificate sales are final and non-refundable. They may be purchased for any dollar amount and can be used towards services and retail only.
Privacy Statement
We are committed to protecting your privacy. Authorized staff members within the company on a need to know basis only use information collected from individual customers. Information collected about our clients is not shared with any other organization.
Returns - Refunds
All sales are final. No returns or product exchanges.